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Ahimsa IAST ahis, Pli 1avihis means not to injure and compassion and refers to a key virtue in Indian religions. The word is derived from the Sanskrit root his to strike his is injury or harm, a his is the opposite of this, i. Ahimsa is also referred to as nonviolence, and it applies to all living beingsincluding all animalsin ancient Indian religions. Ahimsa is one of the cardinal virtues3 and an important tenet of Jainism, Hinduism, and Buddhism. Ahimsa is a multidimensional concept,8 inspired by the premise that all living beings have the spark of the divine spiritual energy therefore, to hurt another being is to hurt oneself. Ahimsa has also been related to the notion that any violence has karmic consequences. While ancient scholars of Hinduism pioneered and over time perfected the principles of Ahimsa, the concept reached an extraordinary status in the ethical philosophy of Jainism. Most popularly, Mahatma Gandhi strongly believed in the principle of ahimsa. Ahimsas precept of cause no injury includes ones deeds, words, and thoughts. Cara Main Game Tanpa Download' title='Cara Main Game Tanpa Download' />Classical literature of Hinduism such as Mahabharata and Ramayana, as well as modern scholars1. Ahimsa when one is faced with war and situations requiring self defence. The historic literature from India and modern discussions have contributed to theories of Just War, and theories of appropriate self defence. EtymologyeditThe word Ahimsasometimes spelled as Ahinsa21. Any Software Who Convert 4Gb To 8Gb Working. Sanskrit root his to strike his is injury or harm, a his is the opposite of this, i. There is a debate on the origins of the word Ahimsa, and how its meaning evolved. Cara Main Game Tanpa Download' title='Cara Main Game Tanpa Download' />Mayrhofer as well as Dumot suggest the root word may be han which means kill, which leads to the interpretation that ahimsa means do not kill. Schmidt as well as Bodewitz explain the proper root word is his and the Sanskrit verb hinasti, which leads to the interpretation ahimsa means do not injure, or do not hurt. Wackernagel Debrunner concur with the latter explanation. Ancient texts use ahimsa to mean non injury, a broader concept than non violence. Non injury implies not killing others, as well as not hurting others mentally or verbally it includes avoiding all violent meansincluding physical violenceanything that injures others. In classical Sanskrit literature of Hinduism, another word Adrohi is sometimes used instead of Ahimsa, as one of the cardinal virtues necessary for moral life. One example is in Baudhayana Dharmasutra 2. One who does not injure others with words, thoughts or acts is named Adrohi. HinduismeditAncient Vedic textseditAhimsa as an ethical concept evolved in Vedic texts. The oldest scripts, along with discussing ritual animal sacrifices, indirectly mention Ahimsa, but do not emphasise it. Over time, the Hindu scripts revise ritual practices and the concept of Ahimsa is increasingly refined and emphasised, ultimately Ahimsa becomes the concept that describes the highest virtue by the late Vedic era about 5. BC. For example, hymn 1. Rig Veda uses the words Satya truthfulness and Ahimsa in a prayer to deity Indra 2. Yajur Veda dated to be between 1. BC and 6. 00 BC, states, may all beings look at me with a friendly eye, may I do likewise, and may we look at each other with the eyes of a friend. The term Ahimsa appears in the text Taittiriya Shakha of the Yajurveda TS 5. It occurs several times in the Shatapatha Brahmana in the sense of non injury. The Ahimsa doctrine is a late Vedic era development in Brahmanical culture. The earliest reference to the idea of non violence to animals pashu Ahimsa, apparently in a moral sense, is in the Kapisthala Katha Samhita of the Yajurveda Kap. Adobe Acrobat Reader Split Pdf File. A History Of Lean From Manufacturing To Software Development. S 3. 1. 1. 1, which may have been written in about the 8th century BCE. Bowker states the word appears but is uncommon in the principal Upanishads. Kaneda gives examples of the word Ahimsa in these Upanishads. Other scholars82. Ahimsa as an ethical concept that started evolving in the Vedas, becoming an increasingly central concept in Upanishads. The Chndogya Upaniad, dated to the 8th or 7th century BCE, one of the oldest Upanishads, has the earliest evidence for the Vedic era use of the word Ahimsa in the sense familiar in Hinduism a code of conduct. It bars violence against all creatures sarvabhuta and the practitioner of Ahimsa is said to escape from the cycle of rebirths CU 8. Some scholars state that this 8th or 7th century BCE mention may have been an influence of Jainism on Vedic Hinduism. Others scholar state that this relationship is speculative, and though Jainism is an ancient tradition the oldest traceable texts of Jainism tradition are from many centuries after the Vedic era ended. Chndogya Upaniad also names Ahimsa, along with Satyavacanam truthfulness, Arjavam sincerity, Danam charity, Tapo penancemeditation, as one of five essential virtues CU 3. The Sandilya Upanishad lists ten forbearances Ahimsa, Satya, Asteya, Brahmacharya, Daya, Arjava, Kshama, Dhriti, Mitahara and Saucha. According to Kaneda,1. Ahimsa is an important spiritual doctrine shared by Hinduism, Buddhism and Jainism. It literally means non injury and non killing. It implies the total avoidance of harming of any kind of living creatures not only by deeds, but also by words and in thoughts. The EpicseditThe Mahabharata, one of the epics of Hinduism, has multiple mentions of the phrase Ahimsa Paramo Dharma, which literally means non violence is the highest moral virtue. For example, Mahaprasthanika Parva has the verse 3. The above passage from Mahabharata emphasises the cardinal importance of Ahimsa in Hinduism, and literally means Ahimsa is the highest virtue, Ahimsa is the highest self control, Ahimsa is the greatest gift, Ahimsa is the best suffering, Ahimsa is the highest sacrifice, Ahimsa is the finest strength, Ahimsa is the greatest friend, Ahimsa is the greatest happiness, Ahimsa is the highest truth, and Ahimsa is the greatest teaching. Some other examples where the phrase Ahimsa Paramo Dharma are discussed include Adi Parva, Vana Parva and Anushasana Parva. The Bhagavad Gita, among other things, discusses the doubts and questions about appropriate response when one faces systematic violence or war. These verses develop the concepts of lawful violence in self defence and the theories of just war. However, there is no consensus on this interpretation. Gandhi, for example, considers this debate about non violence and lawful violence as a mere metaphor for the internal war within each human being, when he or she faces moral questions. Self defence, criminal law, and wareditThe classical texts of Hinduism devote numerous chapters discussing what people who practice the virtue of Ahimsa, can and must do when they are faced with war, violent threat or need to sentence someone convicted of a crime. These discussions have led to theories of just war, theories of reasonable self defence and theories of proportionate punishment. Arthashastra discusses, among other things, why and what constitutes proportionate response and punishment. War. The precepts of Ahimsa under Hinduism require that war must be avoided, with sincere and truthful dialogue. Force must be the last resort. If war becomes necessary, its cause must be just, its purpose virtuous, its objective to restrain the wicked, its aim peace, its method lawful. 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