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CISSP Flashcards Quizlet. Incident Handling is the adverse event or threat of adverse event that interrupts normal operations the 6 steps are 1 Preparation policy, obtain management support, select team members, identify contacts, training, etc2 Identification determine whether an event is a incident using SMART guidelines gather preserve evidence3 Containment stabilize, secure area, make backup, change passwords, make sure attacker is out4 Eradication fix the problem, determine cause and symptom, improve defense, perform vulnerability analysis5 Recovery restore compromised code, validate that the problem no longer exists, monitor the system6 Lessons Learned develop executive report, conduct a lesson learned meeting, recommendations to managementsteps must be followed in this orderemember PICERLypically involves criminal activity and therefor kicks off an investigation. Apollo Guidance Computer Wikipedia. Apollo Guidance Computer. Apollo Guidance Computer and DSKYInvented by. Charles Stark Draper Laboratory. Manufacturer. Raytheon. Introduced. August 1. Discontinued. July 1. Type. Avionics. Guidance Computer. Processor. Discrete IC RTL based. Frequency. 2. 0. 48 MHz. Memory. 16 bit wordlength,2. RAM magnetic core memory, 3. Cast Iron Radiator Installation Instructions. ROM core rope memoryPorts. DSKY, IMU, Hand Controller, Rendezvous Radar CM, Landing Radar LM, Telemetry Receiver, Engine Command, Reaction Control System. Power consumption. W1 1. 20. Weight. Dimensions. 241. The Apollo Guidance Computer AGC is a digital computer produced for the Apollo program that was installed on board each Apollo Command Module CM and Lunar Module LM. The AGC provided computation and electronic interfaces for guidance, navigation, and control of the spacecraft. The AGC had a 1. Most of the software on the AGC was stored in a special read only memory known as core rope memory, fashioned by weaving wires through magnetic cores, though a small amount of read write core memory was provided. Astronauts communicated with the AGC using a numeric display and keyboard called the DSKY Di. Splay Ke. Yboard, pronounced DISS key. Home Adam smith capital asset depreciation durable economics s nonrenewable resource physical capital production service stock. The AGC and its DSKY user interface were developed in the early 1. Apollo program by the MIT Instrumentation Laboratory and first flew in 1. ISAServer/Installing_Forefront_Threat_Management_Gateway_Beta_3/10-windows-installer-45-error.png' alt='Download Time Tech F10 Software Engineer' title='Download Time Tech F10 Software Engineer' />Subscribe and SAVE, give a gift subscription or get help with an existing subscription by clicking the links below each cover image. The Apollo Guidance Computer AGC is a digital computer produced for the Apollo program that was installed on board each Apollo Command Module CM and Lunar Module. The AGC is notable for being one of the first integrated circuit based computers. The computers performance is somewhere around that of the first generation of home computers from the late 1. Apple II, TRS 8. Commodore PET. OperationeditEach flight to the Moon had two AGCs, one each in the Command Module and the Lunar Module, with the exception of Apollo 8 which did not take a Lunar Module on its lunar orbit mission. Your points are clearly reasonables, however you should spend more time working with Guitar Pro 6. When I first opened it I hated it, but as I started learning music. The AGC in the Command Module was at the center of that spacecrafts guidance, navigation and control GNC system. The AGC in the Lunar Module ran its Apollo PGNCS Primary Guidance, Navigation and Control System, with the acronym pronounced as pings. The display and keyboard DSKY interface of the Apollo Guidance Computer mounted on the control panel of the Command Module, with the Flight Director Attitude Indicator FDAI above. Partial list of numeric codes for verbs and nouns in the Apollo Guidance Computer, printed for quick reference on a side panel. Each lunar mission had two additional computers The Launch Vehicle Digital Computer LVDC on the Saturn V booster instrumentation ringthe Abort Guidance System AGS, pronounced ags of the Lunar Module, to be used in the event of failure of the LM PGNCS. The AGS could be used to take off from the Moon, and to rendezvous with the Command Module, but not to land. The AGC was designed at the MIT Instrumentation Laboratory under Charles Stark Draper, with hardware design led by Eldon C. Hall. 1 Early architectural work came from J. H. Laning Jr., Albert Hopkins, Richard Battin, Ramon Alonso,56 and Hugh Blair Smith. The flight hardware was fabricated by Raytheon, whose Herb Thaler8 was also on the architectural team. The Apollo flight computer was the first computer to use integrated circuits ICs. While the Block I version used 4,1. ICs, each containing a single three input NOR gate, the later Block II version used in the crewed flights used 2,8. ICs, each with dual three input NOR gates. The ICs, from Fairchild Semiconductor, were implemented using resistor transistor logic RTL in a flat pack. They were connected via wire wrap, and the wiring was then embedded in cast epoxy plastic. The use of a single type of IC the dual NOR3 throughout the AGC avoided problems that plagued another early IC computer design, the Minuteman IIguidance computer, which used a mix of diode transistor logic and diode logic gates. The computer had 2. Both had cycle times of 1. The memory word length was 1. The CPU internal 1. DSKY interfaceedit. Apollo computer DSKY user interface unit. LM DSKY interface diagram. The user interface to the AGC was the DSKY, standing for display and keyboard and usually pronounced dis key. It had an array of indicator lights, numeric displays and a calculator style keyboard. Commands were entered numerically, as two digit numbers Verb, and Noun. Format Recovery Software Free Download Windows 7. Verb described the type of action to be performed and Noun specified which data was affected by the action specified by the Verb command. The numerals were displayed via green high voltage electroluminescentseven segment displays. The segments were driven by electromechanical relays, which limited the display update rate. Three five digit signed numbers could also be displayed in octal or decimal, and were typically used to display vectors such as space craft attitude or a required velocity change delta V. Although data was stored internally in metric units, they were displayed as United States customary units. This calculator style interfacenb 1 was the first of its kind, the prototype for all similar digital control panel interfaces. The Command Module had two DSKYs connected to its AGC one located on the main instrument panel and a second located in the lower equipment bay near a sextant used for aligning the inertial guidance platform. The Lunar Module had a single DSKY for its AGC. A flight director attitude indicator FDAI, controlled by the AGC, was located above the DSKY on the commanders console and on the LM. In 2. 00. 9, a DSKY was sold in a public auction held by Heritage Auctions for 5. The AGC timing reference came from a 2. MHz crystalclock. The clock was divided by two to produce a four phase 1. MHz clock which the AGC used to perform internal operations. The 1. 0. 24 MHz clock was also divided by two to produce a 5. Hz signal called the master frequency this signal was used to synchronize external Apollo spacecraft systems. The master frequency was further divided through a scaler, first by five using a ring counter to produce a 1. Hz signal. This was then divided by two through 1. F1 5. 1. 2 k. Hz through F1. Hz. The F1. 0 stage 1. Hz was fed back into the AGC to increment the real time clock and other involuntary counters using Pinc discussed below. The F1. 7 stage was used to intermittently run the AGC when it was operating in the standby mode. Central registerseditThe AGC had four 1. A  The accumulator, for general computation. Z  The program counter the address of the next instruction to be executed. Q  The remainder from the DV instruction, and the return address after TC instructions. LP  The lower product after MP instructions. There were also four locations in core memory, at addresses 2. This was common to Block I and Block II AGCs. Other registersedit. Prototype logic module from Block I AGC. Block II logic module, with flat pack ICs. AGC dual 3 input NOR gate. AGC dual 3 input NOR gate schematic. The AGC had additional registers that were used internally in the course of operation S 1. Algorithm For Chess Program For Mac. BankFbank 4 bit ROM bank register, to select the 1 kiloword ROM bank when addressing in the fixed switchable mode. Ebank 3 bit RAM bank register, to select the 2. RAM bank when addressing in the erasable switchable mode. Sbank super bank 1 bit extension to Fbank, required because the last 4 kilowords of the 3. ROM was not reachable using Fbank alone. SQ 4 bit sequence register the current instruction. G 1. 6 bit memory buffer register, to hold data words moving to and from memory.